Kempf and Marchant Blog 6 classroom portrait

Casey Marchant and Aaron Kempf


29 April 2020

HR: Observation notes and Field Journals. VDOE website (links in works referenced)

Classroom Portrait

The Classroom situation we are in is an Honors 9th Grade English class. The teacher is relatively young. The classroom itself is very laid back with an attempt to bring positivity and encouragement all over the room. Additionally, it is focused during class time but it isn’t extremely strict. The learner portrait is a bit more difficult for me to create as we really didn’t get much of any experience with the students other than a very short activity where the only conversation is on what they were learning and what the activity was. We can say that they are in an honors class so it is safer to assume that there is a little bit more motivation internally. As for what we saw, there was a significant amount of engagement and it did not seem like the students were interested in anything other than what was going on in class. From the start of the class to the time that we left everyone was focused and on the ball with the material that was being covered. Moreover, this is even more impressive as this class is the first one of the day and typically it can take a couple hours for the mind to really get going. All of the students seemed relatively competent in the aspects of what they are learning. Motivated, interested, engaged, and competent is the learner’s profile that we are dealing with. This may have something to do with what the teacher brings to the table Mrs. Holton is young and has had only a few years of experience. She is local both in where she was raised and went to her primary education and where she went to college. Being an alumni of James Madison University her life shows that there is a connection to the Shenandoah valley and Rockbridge county. Additionally, her energy and enthusiasm for her profession shows that she has a serious interest in educating the young people in her class. If she is apathetic about the progress of youth in the community then she hides it well.

Once we take a step back from the specific from the class room and look at the school as a whole we can start putting this environment into context. If you look at the statistics provided by the VDOE the SOL pass rate for Rockbridge high school is not bad. For all students out of the tested subject matters two have a 90+ pass rating, Two have in the 80s pass rate, and the lowest, mathematics, has a 77 percent pass rate.  Breaking these testing scores into sub categories based on race, gender, economic status, and English language ability there are some definite patterns. For example Black students perform higher in two categories but slightly lower in the three others. Economically disadvantaged perform lower in all subjects and hispanics and english learners score well below average. Females score higher. Males and whites score average in all subjects. These statistics are indicators that while this school doesn’t do terribly there are certain groups without a doubt need more attention. Finally, the amount of students that accumulated more than 7 unexcused absences in 2018-2019 in the entirety of the Rockbridge county school system numbered 65. These statistics, however, do not seem to affect time graduation rates or dropout rates terribly. This school is only slightly under the state average for on time graduation.  This number is not terrible, however, it is not great. It sets lower in ranking them other school districts but this is the raw number, meaning that it does account for the size of the districts. Unfortunately, we do not have the tools to calculate or find the ratio but judging from the raw truancy count this is only a minor issue for this school system.

Overall, Rockbridge county school and Rockbridge county high school is not bad but it also has some issues. Our judgement from our point of view is that it is a very average school for Virginia. That being said there is far more information that could be looked at to be more accurate but we simply do not have the time or ability to use it. Our classroom, however, was good and certainly can foster some great experiences and set students up for success well especially because it is a 9th grade class and can teach good habits early on.

Word Count: 732

Works Referenced:


3 thoughts on “Kempf and Marchant Blog 6 classroom portrait

  1. Aaron and Casey,

    Excellent observations. I can tell you have done a lot of research and put in timeless effort into this project. It sounds like everything is working our for you.


  2. Gentlemen,
    Great statistical analysis of how your school compares to VDOE standards. Looks like you guys did some great research, even though you weren’t able to spend much time in the classroom.
    Looking forward to taking a look at your Overview page!
    Joseph Fitzgerald

  3. Casey and Aaron, I’m curious what kinds of observations you made about Ms. Holton’s teaching style beyond her newness in the profession of teaching. She has a particular ability, I think, to multi-task well and to involve students in their own thinking and learning, a helpful asset for project-based learning.

    MAJ Hodde

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