Through the course of our field work experience there has been a clear transition because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While these events have been both unseen and unfortunate, it has given Ben and I the unique opportunity to teach both inside the classroom and through online distance learning. This situation has forced Ben and I to adapt both as students ourselves and as teachers, ultimately making us better.
Starting our classroom visits with project based learning (PBL) objectives in mind, Ben and I had high hopes for the outcome of this fieldwork partnership. A friendly classroom and a helpful teacher got this process off on the right foot. Initially helping from the backseat, Ben and I would observe classes and offer minimal input into the weekly lesson plans. As the semester progressed, Ben and I slowly took the reigns from Mrs. Diette when teaching. This gave us the chance to not only practice skills and lessons of our own, but to also work/mentor students more closely. In the final stages of our classroom visits, Ben and I led an entire classroom discussion and activity for the students. Involving prior skills like critical thinking, analysis, and writing, Ben and I challenged our classroom to think outside the box as they learned about new cultures and countries. The feeling of leading a class for the first time was satisfying, but not nearly as great as seeing our students learn something new. While Ben and I tried our best in coming weeks through virtual learning, nothing can beat the face to face interactions of the classroom!
The shock and awe of COVID-19 left Ben and I no time to react or plan for the rest of the semester. Quickly learning and researching new online approaches to teaching, Ben and I plunged into online learning both as students ourselves and teachers. While online remote learning offered an entirely different platform for teaching, we were able to continue our fieldwork course through recorded videos and virtual classrooms. This partnership continued to carry over to the middle school as Ben and I made lesson proposals and videos online. As a teacher, the hardest part about this process was judging the feedback and comprehension of our students.
In all, the course of this fieldwork has opened new doors and opportunities for Ben and I both. While challenges were frequent along the way, I personally have found more confidence in myself as a student and teacher. The COVID-19 virus, while difficult, only forced me to adapt and expand my approach to learning and teaching alike. As for the students in Mrs. Diette’s class, I have no doubt that they will be prepared to begin the next chapter of their educational career in high school.