Casey Marchant
ERH- 411w
HR: See works cited. Citation from Taylor Francis group (the sight where I accessed the article)
Blog Post #5
The source that I looked at is Media and Moral Education: A Philosophy of Critical Engagement by Laura D’Olimpio. This text essentially sets out to show that an education in philosophy is essential to education, and more specifically how we treat other. These is increasingly important as the mediums of communication are growing in ability and accessibility. In the abstract of the introduction D’Olimpio writes “Media and moral education: A philosophy of critical engagement addresses this oversight by demonstrating that the study of philosophy can be used to enhance critical thinking skills that are sorely needed in today’s technological age.” The text argues the importance of a specific responsibility to provide a moral and ethical philosophy regarding technology and information.
The information and ideas provided in this text are massively important for the world today. Not only does it explain that philosophy needs to keep up with the changing world but also why it does. This is key as while philosophy has a plethora of ideas regarding ethics and morality the world is changing so much and the amount of information and disinformation is so incredible that it can become easy to be overwhelmed and loose sight of basic ethical and moral principles in the world which is so complicated due to the aforementioned overload of material. This texts offers information and ideas where these basic ideas can handle the firehose of complex situations that we are exposed to because of technology and growth of the world. These ideas could stop or at least fight in the war against the moral degradation of the world caused by the issues brought on by technology.
The best way to share this information with teachers is to simply to expose the problems which society is facing from the explosion of technology. This is key as if the problem is not made clear then we cannot start to solve it. Once the problem is identified we can start crafting the solution. The solution must be simple since the problem is so complex. The solution is found in the text that I have reviewed. So we supply the text and start to implement the teaching of philosophy into the current educational model. Not only must we teach the philosophical concepts we must also show how to apply them. This is best done by including as an element of project based learning and directly showing the application.
Works Cited:
D’Olimpio, L. (2018). Media and Moral Education. London: Routledge,
A substantial start to this review with summary and evaluative claims. A few suggestions for making it more professional and immediate to address your teacher audience.
You need an informative or engaging title.
Flip some of the beginning sentences. Compose the big idea in the opening sentence (move up claim / exigence-related sentences) that immediately give us a sense of your choice in the context of EL/ PBL learning, and education now. What’s the big idea about media, moral ed that leads us to the article? Then segue into “D’Olimpio articulates this very problem in her recent book, Media and Moral Education, arguing that . . ”
Bring yourself into the conversation- “Tt seems to me the best way to share this information . . . are you agreeing, disagreeing with the author, for what purpose in terms of connecting back with your partner classroom and your fieldwork experience?
Texts don’t argue, authors do.
Review sentence flow and word choice for specificity. Please work on revisions by Thursday, April 9 so we can discuss and send off to your teachers by that Friday! Let me know if you have any questions and we can chat Monday or Tuesday in virtual office hours . . .
MAJ Hodde