Expectations for first visit
What I expect to see in the classroom is a classroom filled with quotes, pictures, books, and paintings on the wall. I expect this because in our Project Based Learning book Boss discusses how teachers shape culture and states “Teachers shape culture in both obvious and less noticeable ways. For example, culture is reflected by the daily success starters and other routines, belief in a growth mindset, and even the physical arrangement of the room with the students seated in tables of four to foster collaboration” (Boss 15). Walking into the classroom I expect to see the teacher either in the front or in the back of the class but have enough room to walk around and connect with each student. Also, if our teacher is trying to incorporate Project Based Learning, I expect to see tables placed together to promote collaboration. Boss believes that it is important to promote a positive culture in order to further the ‘hidden curriculum” which is “where the culture is shaped by everything that students see, hear, feel, and interact with at school” (Boss 13). This is a great idea that personally my school never did. At both of my high schools, our classrooms were bland. There was no color within any of my classes. We sat in rows and did not do group work often. Also, we never had open dialogue when discussing a novel, we were reading. Everything was based off your S.O.L scores and did not promote actual educational growth like Boss describes in Chapter one of Project Based Learning. In fact, I would say our learning style at my high school hindered my growth as a student. My hope is that this class will be nothing like my high school and promote group thought, group work, open dialogue, and collaboration.