Reflective Tag RR#2

This reading was very interesting to me for a variety of reasons. First and foremost as part of my english curriculum I am taking a few classes that deal with greek philosophers, especially Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato. Given this, the socratic method of approaching a dialogue is a new way of debate or academic discourse to me. I see this form of discourse as a puzzle of sorts as the instigator begins slowly and deliberately and then the conversation eventually leads to a philosophical question or debate. I enjoy this collaborative and non-confrontational approach to resolving philosophical questions. However, I also see certain versions of the socratic method, such as this example between Gorgias and Socrates, as demeaning in a sense. For instance, although Socrates attempts to not get on the nerves of Gorgias, it seems as though his main goal in this debate is to ridicule Gorgias based upon a predetermined plan of action. Although a lesson was taught as to the true nature of rhetoric (at least in the opinion of Plato), I can see how Sophists earned themselves a poor reputation.

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