“President Xi Breathes With the People”

Here’s a quick video of President Xi Jinping casually strolling around Beijing’s Nanluguxiang district, notably without a facemask. Xi is apparently renowned for cultivating a “man-of-the-people” image, but his lack of mask is especially relevant given the current smog conditions in Beijing. The national media hyped this, praising Xi as “breathing with the people”, but even though Xi’s actions are emphasized more than the actual environmental issue, it remains impressive. I was honestly surprised to see him just walking with a small amount of bodyguards (of course there is greater protection following) just meeting the people. It’s not what I had imagined, really.

Original article: http://chinadigitaltimes.net/2014/02/netizen-voices-president-xi-breathes-people/

Further info on the smog issue: http://chinadigitaltimes.net/2014/02/netizen-voices-smog-fortification-pm-patriotism/