“The beginning is the most important part of work.” – Plato
To be fair, even if this weren’t something Plato actually said (but take a moment to imagine Plato as a teacher, swathed in robes and a stern grey expression, reprimanding Aristotle for procrastinating) it still rings true. Procrastination has lingered just as much as the classics have endured.
If I wrote a list of how many things I haven’t started on time and had to rush to finish, I’d be writing that list as long as it kept me from my actual work.
However, it’s my first class year. Somehow I’ve figured it out. I’d rather not make a declaration to the tune of “Beginning now, I shall vow to fight procrastination,” since I don’t yet trust myself to keep it. Easier goals then, are in order.If E-Portfolio is meant to expand beyond the boundaries of an education portfolio, then I’ll include a blog with my personal interests, scribbles, and thoughts.
That sounds like a much more attainable beginning to me.