How to write a cover letter

How to write a cover letter

The season of job applications is quickly approaching.  Whether you’re a 1st classman ready to leave VMI in the spring and find your first job, or a 4th classman looking for a summer internship, being able to write an effective cover letter is a skill to...
Perseverance in Writing

Perseverance in Writing

“Every writer I know has trouble writing.” – Joseph Heller (author of Catch-22) We’ve now entered the time in the semester when papers are beginning to stack up.  Staring at a blank screen, listening to the clock tick, each second can feel like...
Prepare for a Writing Center Appointment

Prepare for a Writing Center Appointment

During your tenure at VMI you will be asked to write a LOT of papers for a wide variety of subjects: English, math, history, science lab reports, business, resume or cover letter writing, etc.  The good news is you don’t have to face these assignments alone. ...
Organizing Your Personal Narrative Essay

Organizing Your Personal Narrative Essay

  Welcome to the start of a new school year! The start of a new academic semester often brings periods of “getting-to-know-you” activities and assignments.  Chances are this September you will be asked to write a personal narrative essay for an...
Tips for Writer’s Block and Finals Stress

Tips for Writer’s Block and Finals Stress

Here at VMI, the end of the semester is rapidly approaching.  It can feel entirely overwhelming to look at all of the things left to do before you leave for Summer, but following a few simple tips and tricks will help you from feeling like you’re drowning in...