Here at VMI, the end of the semester is rapidly approaching.  It can feel entirely overwhelming to look at all of the things left to do before you leave for Summer, but following a few simple tips and tricks will help you from feeling like you’re drowning in work.

Tips for Writer’s Block

  • Reread your prompt, underlining pertinent information, key words and organizational clues
  • Reread your source material (article, skim your novel, read through textbook chapter) making marginal notes, summarizing or marking important information.
  • Free Write on your topic without worrying about structure or organization. Sometimes the hardest part is getting started.
  • Brainstorm in a web or word cluster if you’re a more visual person.
  • Don’t worry about the perfect phrasing/word choice yet. You can always revise later for the exact, perfect word you want.
  • Begin writing at whatever section you feel most confident with. Don’t feel you have to start at the beginning and work straight through to the end.
  • Stuck for a thesis? Write your body paragraphs first , and then glean your argument later.


“Writers Workshop: Writer Resources.” Writing Tips « « The Center for Writing Studies, Illinois. University of Illinois, 2013. Web. 02 Dec. 2015.

Tips for Finals Stress

  • Exercise!
  • Eat well. Don’t let your stress cause you to make bad food choices in Crozet.
  • Sleep… when you can. The more the better, but we know that’s hard to do!
  • Talk to a friend or professor.
  • Seek help from cadet counseling.
  • Take a break and organize your work space. Sometimes an overly cluttered desk leads to an overly cluttered brain.
  • Create a check list. To do lists will help you stay organized. Plus, there’s nothing more satisfying than checking things off your list! See? You’re making progress!
  • Take a break from social media until you’re done studying for the day. Constantly checking Facebook and Twitter will only add to your feeling of being time-crunched.
  • Listen to music.


Gregoire, Carolyn. “Final Exam Stress: 10 Ways To Beat End-Of-Semester Anxiety.” The Huffington Post., 12 Nov. 2012. Web. 03 Dec. 2015.