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Sept 26 hw

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Isocrates Readings

Charles Palandati

Why do you think natural talent was such an important consideration during this period?

Natural talent may have reflected the inability to move up in social classes. If you were born wealthy, chances are, you would be wealthy the rest of your life. Isocrates discusses the relationship between justice and wealth. He concludes that it is better to be poor and just, than wealthy and unjust. So it seems he did not think wealth correlated directly with justice. Isocrates stated “ability… is found in those who are well endowed by nature and have been schooled by practical experience.” This statement seems to contradict natural talent because Isocrates claims experience can teach people. Meanwhile, he makes other statements which support natural talent.

Where do you see conversations about natural talent in today’s rhetoric and context?

Being a born leader, or natural athlete are commonly said in today’s rhetoric. I am of the believe leaders are made. You must learn right from wrong, be able to understand situations, and make the warranted decision. Leadership is best learned through experience;, however, that does not mean you were born with it. It takes the ability to observe failures and commit to not making those same mistakes. On the topic of athletes, it can be a different story. In many sports, the most dominant player is usually bigger, stronger and faster. Those traits are often a product of good genetics. On the contrary, athletes must train their bodies, and learn the skills of their sport. For instance, in swimming, muscle is irrelevant if you don’t have good technique that promotes friction less posture in the water.

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