Reflection for 2/20/15
0February 20, 2015 by monfort-eatonjt15
Ok, so admittedly this project is a lot harder than I had previously anticipated. I thought that RANA was going to be something that I could get a handle on, and possibly play a big help in solving, but the more I read about the whole mess, the less that I see that goal being possible. For now, my goal is to get everyone on the same page, and even that seems like a very daunting goal. However, I know that I will be able to use the knowledge that I have learned in the English department to help translate some of the more technical language that some of the groups are using in their argument. I’m hoping that doing this may just help everyone a little bit in their understanding of other groups, because I really feel that what is inhibiting the RANA movement right now is that everyone is being very stubborn, and they are very confused as to what other people want.
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