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Beat Final Paper


May 1, 2014 by monfort-eatonjt15



This final paper was very hard in the beginning for me, simply because I couldn’t figure out an idea. Once I did, and I got into research, I found that Jack Kerouac was an extremely interesting character. Through my semester, while looking at the rest of the Beat Generation, I learned how to critically analyze the Beats use of language and how their upbringing helped influence the way they saw, and wrote about, the world. Overall, this paper mad eke realize that upbringing and the people that we associate with really do influence the way we talk and write. Beat Generation has certainly been one of my favorite classes and I am proud of the final work that I did for this class. From knowing nothing about the Beat Generation until now, I am happy to have taken this class and to have had the opportunity to study them.


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