Reflection for 2/27/15
0February 27, 2015 by monfort-eatonjt15
This week, I actually made some very good progress on my project despite the uncooperative weather. I made an appointment to meet with the owner of Celtic Tides for next Tuesday, weather providing, and got in contact with the Mayor and am currently awaiting a response from her in terms of time. I was surprised at how open people are when I asked them about RANA. They seem eager to share their ideas, and I can only hope that this trend continues as I keep asking people about it. What is really upsetting right now is that the RANA organization is not responding to me, and I would love their input on the subject. I know what I will get out of it, but I still feel like it’s a necessary interview to have. This week, I hope to contact several more businesses, and I hope I can do the contact face-to-face, so I know exactly what is going on. Also, I’m going to prepare for my interview with the mayor, and I’m hoping to figure out how I will gather results. I’m guessing that I’ll do a transcript of the interview, and then write up a report based on that.
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