Hi there!

I’m MAJ Garriott. I’m an assistant professor of English in the Department of Rhetoric, English, and Humanistic Studies and the coordinator of the VMI Writing Center.

ERH 101 is 20160301_163123one of my favorite classes to teach. I’ve taught 101 since 2006, so this is my tenth year (!!!!) of working with first-year students. For me, as a teacher and a writer, ERH 101 is one, if not the, most important class you’ll take, because you’ll learn both how to write in different situations and how to negotiate college.

But is it hard, you ask?

I won’t lie to you: Yes, it is, and I’m not an easy professor. I have high expectations of my students, but I’ve never met a student incapable of reaching them. And I’m always here to help you. And when I’m asleep because I’m an old lady who goes to bed at 2100, then the Writing Center is there for you. But in all seriousness, it’s my job and pleasure to help you, so come talk to me when you’re scared or struggling. Even better, come talk to me when you’ve succeeded!

This writing class isn’t hard because I expect you to be a perfect writer: there’s no such thing, so get over that right now. It’s hard because you’re going to un-learn most of what you learned in high school. Welcome to college. That’s what we do a lot around here: unlearn old things and learn new, more critical ways to approach learning. Often, you’ll hear that there’s no one right answer. You’ll also see that learning happens both independently and collaboratively.

I’m excited to help you on this transition from high school to college, from “ordinary” life to VMI, no ordinary college.

Leave me a comment to show that you’ve read this post! Say hi, ask a question, but be polite. Remember that this is one of my first introductions to you. It’s your first impression, so make it count.

13 thoughts on “Welcome to STP and ERH 101W!

  1. Hey, I’m excited to be here and taking this class. I hope to improve my writing skills with this class and your generous help!

  2. Ma’am,

    Thank you for providing us with so many resources to help us begin our college writing careers; I certainly hope that I will meet your expectations. If I do not, I trust it will be due to a lack of experience rather than a lack of effort.

    Joshua Austin

  3. Hello Major Garriott. Will all of our papers be dealing with threshold concepts, or will we be dealing with/expanding on some more familiar concepts as well?

  4. MAJ Garriott,
    Thank you for teaching us how to use all these websites
    Darren Barile

  5. Dear MAJ Garriot,

    Thank you so much for the in-depth lessons and resources you have provided us thus far in reaching a more sophisticated understanding of writing and rhetoric. I, for one, have learned important tips on how to be a more persuasive writer, and in so doing, feel that I have already achieved a deeper understanding of what “good writing” is. I look forward to learning from you the remainder of STP.


  6. Hi Maj. Garriott,
    At first I was extremely confused but during class today I have a better understanding of the essay and the prompt.

  7. MAJ Garriott,

    Thank you for clarifying many things and the lessons we have had in class. I hope to improve my writing and understanding the values of rhetoric and writing. I do now understand more than what I knew from High School. I am looking forward to class in the coming weeks.

    Josh Arthur

  8. This blog gives a great overview of the main basis of what ERH 101 is and who you are as a person. It has been a great pleasure being in your class after only having about a day of classes. I am hoping to become a better writer and stray away from normal way of writing which has been said that it does not analyze or argue well.

  9. Hello MAJ Garriotta,

    I wanted to thank you for the in depth instruction. It is much appreciated that you are so willing to help us. Thanks for keeping the communication lines clear.

    Joshua T. Kitts

  10. Hi Maj Garriott,

    Thank you for reassuring me about the essay, I was not sure if I would be able to even complete the assignment but I believe that I can now.


  11. I’m happy that this is the first class I’m taking. Thank you for explaining things so well, because I have a lot of difficulties with teachers who don’t make much of an effort to interact with their students. I like the fact that, unlike in high school, you said we’re allowed to express the things we want to in our own ways rather than using a specific type of way. I expect this class to be difficult, especially because we only have a month to finish all of our assignments, but I think we can all pull it off.

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