Hi there, Digi Rhet cadets!
I thought I’d make my Digital Rhetorics blog a one-stop shop of resources for you. In this post, I will help you with your citations.
Okay, so here’s the rub: I have a little bit of a problem with Chapter 4 of Writer/Designer. Arola, Sheppard, and Ball assert, “for your multimodal project, you can’t assume that you’ll use MLA, APA, or CMS style. Instead, you need to consider what citation styles look like in the genre that meets your rhetorical needs” (emphasis theirs 74).
They’re not wrong: If we do a video project, then our sources will look a lot like the credits on a movie.
But you are writing a research paper, so I expect that you will use MLA citations.
To help you with that, here’s the link to the Purdue OWL’s section on citing electronic sources using MLA style directions.
As always, feel free to come to me for help!