Field Journals

Learning Philosophies

PBL and EL principles that we base our understanding from.

Classroom Observations

Reflection on our observation, participation, and Think Aloud visits.

Learning Philosophies

Freedom of Self, Freedom of Thought

The involvement of children in their own education is vital in the learning process. The Freedom of Self Inquiry represents the application of the varied abilities residing within a classroom. These varied abilities are indicative of varied socio-economic factors as...

Legally Intimidated

Legally Intimidated

I experienced EL's principle of "primacy of self-discovery" when I took fieldwork with Major Cody my Second class year. In his class, I had to research, interview, and network with VMI alums that were lawyers to produce a legal reference document. When I discovered I...

Bouncing Back

Bouncing Back

  A moment that learned something new that changed you as a learner? Something that I recall that taught me to change as a learner was a time when I was learning a technique in tennis. I continually kept getting my butt kicked by some buddies, and that feeling of...

Classroom Observations

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class hours

T & TH: 1050- 1205


463 Scott Ship