Justin Addis

VMI English Major

Ready to Lead

My self-efficacy score was 36. This range of this score goes from 10-40, with 40 being the highest self-efficacy possible. My leadership capability is quite high. I know that with my past years of leadership training not only in Scouts but other club activities, I know that I have the skillset to lead others with…

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Perspectives From Followers

Average Rating Self- Rating Difference Get on the Balcony 18 27 9 Identify the Adaptive Challenge 22 15 7 Regulate Distress 14 29 15 Maintain Disciplined Attention 16 20 4 Give the Work Back to the People 20 18 2 Protect Leadership Voices From Below 17 21 4   The perception that others have received…

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My Path to Leadership

  During my first year at VMI, I certainly was taken aback by the vast complexity of the program and the implementation of being a follower so aggressively. The traditions of the school and the rat/dyke relationship certainly were a new experience to me. I was taken back at how much information I wanted to…

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Leadership Profile

Leadership Profile As a leader, I am someone that cares about others and their goals to a certain extent. I will make sure that the mission is accomplished by any means necessary, and sometimes that means that I have to push others aside to make sure that happens if their interest conflicts. I will also…

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Leadership Mission Statement

Leadership Mission Statement: As a leader, I want to be remembered for my ability to accomplish a goal and make a lesson out of a failure all while having fun. The joy of bringing people purposed learning is a great way that I think that lessons can be taught. Life is short and if you…

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Leadership Diversity & Inclusion Statement

  I want to start by saying that diversity for me is the inclusion of making sure that everyone regardless of race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation is someone that deserves to be a part of the group. The modern problem of always finding “what is different amongst people” is an issue that is present…

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Ideal Leadership

Ideal Leadership: My ideal leader would be someone that values communication. I believe that good communication is the speaker and listener having a. strong connection and making sure that they are both on the same page. The acknowledgment of the audience’s global views and the opportunity to allow the speaker to incorporate that in their…

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