Justin Addis

VMI English Major

Compare and Contrast Art History I

This paper was an end-of-the-semester work, We chose artwork from our textbook and one artwork from the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s holdings that stems from a culture/time period that was covered this semester and is not illustrated in your textbook. It focused on  addressing similarities and differences in form, subject matter, and context. This assignment taught me a…

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Capstone 2022

This is the Capstone that I wrote during the Fall Semester of 2022, and I wrote it while attending the Virginia Military Institute. It focuses on Verbatim theatre as a teaching approach in K-12 that also includes a template for a lesson plan to be utilized.

Objective 6: Reflection

This assignment focused on defining my own definition of rhetoric derived from what we had learned from the course, which was for ERH-202WX titled Rhetorical Traditions II. This reflective assignment indeed pushed me to see what rhetoric was in the modern era and what people want in terms of information. I had concluded that the…

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Objective 5: Creative Work

This particular assignment was centered around a multi-media painting that incorporated text within a painting for ERH-225-01 Visual Art Studio: Painting. When starting I was very stumped as to where to start and where to take my direction. I learned as an individual in terms of painting I am a very “act-on-the-moment” thinker, and when…

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Objective 4: Ethics

This assignment worked to identify an artifact within the concentration of civic discourse which I narrowed to an online platform for the class ERH-302W titled Civic Discourse. It certainly enabled me to discover that discourse can be successfully achieved I used Reddit as my example and it delivered in more ways than it did not….

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Objective 3: Disciplinary Analysis

This assignment focused on my artist statement for ERH-204 titled Language of Art. This paper was the culmination assignment that focused on analyzing my working relationship with art as a whole. It certainly made me think more about how I thought of art in terms of being a very mundane thing with only noting cool…

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Objective 2: Cultural Context

This assignment was written for ERH- 201WX titled Rhetorical Traditions I and focused on the critical incorporation of rhetoric within the classroom as a key component in creating a strong student. In the writing process of this paper, I was inspired to minor in rhetoric for the sole reason that I learned that rhetoric is…

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Objective 1: Rhetoric

This was an assignment that focused on addressing a particular concern within the realm of rhetoric in the online field for the class ERH-221 titled Digital Rhetoric. It helped me tremendously in understanding why and how such formats in the attention economy work so well in captivating the time of young and older generations when…

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