Justin Addis

VMI English Major

Ready to Lead

My self-efficacy score was 36. This range of this score goes from 10-40, with 40 being the highest self-efficacy possible. My leadership capability is quite high. I know that with my past years of leadership training not only in Scouts but other club activities, I know that I have the skillset to lead others with a firm but gentle hand. A time that I needed to be confident in myself was when I underwent an assignment in class that was quite big, I needed to make a project for a public speaking class. I chose to talk about a video game called Rocket League and being that I chose that I was going to be the first one to present I needed to make sure that I took the reigns on the project and get my members moving I stayed confident and informative throughout the whole process and made sure that they were moving with a purpose. I made sure to check in on them and continue supplying the material. When it came I made sure to keep them assured that I would be handling the speech. When push came to shove and the day arrived to present the knowledge I was informative about the whole presentation and my team members were happy to save themselves the embarrassment of having to present about a car soccer game for the Xbox.

I plan after VMI to continue being someone confident and strong in the way that I carry myself, even though the hardships of silly projects, or in the serious sense of war. In the Authentic Leadership Inventory Scale, I placed highest in the Self-Awareness subscale, It showed that I have the ability to identify and keep attention to what is going around them, the score of 4.34 in comparison to the VMI score of 3.93 shows me that I am proficient in making sure I am acknowledging others.This score means to me that I am someone that is very self-aware and able to identify things that are out in a situation and be able to take action against those that need help. I feel that this is something that is very strong to me and has always been easy to do. It is affected, my leadership by allowing me to be someone to be there for others, and it is something that has helped me succeed in team activities.

On the Transformational Leadership scale, I placed highest in the Inspirational Communication sub-scale. It means that I have a way that promotes action and motivation amongst followers and pushes for wanting to complete the goal at hand. The score that I received was 3.56 in comparison to the VMI mean score of 5.02. This score means and stands exactly where I want it to be. I do have a tolerable and high outlook for wanting to make sure that all my group members are motivated. I have learned as a leader and a follower most of the time is that I do not want to be the cheerleader for a group. I want to be the realist and the knife that cuts those out of my group for those who do not want to be there, I want to make sure that if they are wanting and willing to work towards a goal that they stick around, but if they are not, then get out. An example of a time that this affected my leadership was when I had a particular member have a problem with how straightforward and blunt. I told him to “shut up and help or to get out”. I am not going to tolerate people who are not dedicated to the task and are constantly needing encouragement like if the completion of the task is not enough, get out and find something else worth your time, but do not waste mine.

In the Human Value Scale, I scored highest in the Power sub-scale. This means that I have the ability to control where I stand in society and how I carry myself position-wise within a group of individuals or standings. The score that I received was 4.28 in comparison to the VMI mean score of 3.06. This score shows me exactly how I carry myself, I like to have the ability to have the strength within a group and be able to have a skill or knowledge that makes me needed within a group. I want to be able to separate myself and still be able to compete with a group of individuals, but will still be able to be in control of an assignment. This has helped me back in HS especially when I would run projects since I took lots of leadership training through the Boy Scouts. It made me able to take control and show that I had some sort of way to make things work with people that had a completely different interest and come together towards a common goal.

Justin Addis • March 19, 2021

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