My initial idea for the project was to use social media as a resource for the project and its participants. This approach was not helpful to the Groove Girls Project, and my first schedule was quickly scrapped when I realized I needed to change my approach.
When I changed my approach by working with Dr. Hodde I was able to create a resource page that was more useful to the project. The intial draft of what ended up on the Groove Girls site can be seen here.
The focus of the Inspired By page was to highlight other young mentors for the Groove Girls. The selection of inspirations focused on young women who have creatively found ways to send a positive message. Some of the women (apart from being inspiring) have created resources for young people that I believe the girls may find useful in the near future. One example is Vivian Nunez. Her website is a resource for young people dealing with loss and grief. Another example is Lily Herman who created The Prospect . This site focuses on content useful for college admissions. This resource may be useful for the girls in the near future.
With the Inspired By Page in place, the current and future Groove Girls can add to and access the site in order to enhance the project and to better grasp the concept of resiliency.