What jobs are available? What career field should I enter? What does a normal workday look like in “x, y, and z” career field? What degree do I need to attain to be eligible for my dream job? What options are even out there?
In as diverse and as interconnected a workplace we now inhabit, it can still be hard to find the answers to these basic questions. The variety of careers available and the numerous options within those fields can be extensive and overwhelming. To help answers these questions, Vault has create a new page on their website Career Q&A: Professional Advice and Insight. Granted the careers presented are not all encompassing or presented with the full diversity and variety they possess, they do offer insight into the advantages of a given career path and what one could expect to do within that career field. The Q&A page serves as an introduction to many of the common and major career paths available in a video format. Each video consists of an interview of an individual in a given career field answering in their own words the following questions: What can one expect the future of this career path hold? What are some challenges in your career field? What are common goals? What does a normal day on the job look like? What is some advice you would give and aspiring individual to serve in this field? What is the work place atmosphere like? What education and certifications do you need for this career field? What are some keys to success? What are your main duties and responsibilities? How did you get started in this career?
Each video runs between 10-15 minutes long and are easily navigated by clicking on the desired section on the right hand menu bar which will take you to the desired question being answered by the individual being interviewed making it easy to learning the desired answer you have for you given career path question.
To gain access to these videos, go to: http://www.vmi.edu/academics/support/career-services/cadets/ , then click on Online Career Resources. Click on the VAULT link.
Click the Click here to continue link.
Create an account or sign in if you already have an account.
Click on Career Q&As in the Career Advice tab on the menu bar.
Now you have arrived to the site! Click on any of the desired videos and they will pop up on your screen.