About Us


This is the WordPress site for the VMI ePortfolio. The Institute Writing Program has integrated ePortfolio in the Writing Center, which supports cadets and faculty in writing across the disciplines. Using ePortfolio @ VMI will allow students to develop their digital citizenship, become smart producers of content, and reflect on their educational experiences.The Writing Center’s physical location in 215 Carroll Hall and this website are different methods of finding support, help, and guidance as cadets and faculty develop their ePortfolios.

As part of the initiative to bolster ePortfolio, the Writing Center now hosts an ePortfolio Cadet Team, which consists of cadets who have demonstrated their own digital proficiency by building and maintaining compelling, professional ePortfolios. The team works in the Writing Center’s physical location to help cadets with their ePortfolios, whether that includes troubleshooting technical problems or reorganizing existing blogs.

On this site, you will find links and posts about all matters related to the promotion of a reflective pedagogy on Post.

From examples of cadet ePortfolios to research conducted by our faculty, we have included information that we hope will support the expansion of ePortfolio across Post –and guide other programs on other campuses that may be just starting out.

This is a site in progress, so feel free to e-mail us with any questions or suggestions.