VMI eportfolio
The Institute Writing Program has integrated ePortfolio in the Writing Center, which supports cadets and faculty in writing across the disciplines. Using ePortfolio @ VMI will allow students to develop their digital citizenship, become smart producers of content, and reflect on their educational experiences.

Used by professors for class projects and cadets for individual portfolios.
The WordPress Platform allows for wide range of opportunity for both professors and cadets to build and share their work.
No Coding
You do not need to know any coding. All editing usese WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get).
The e-portfolio uses the WordPress platform; one the most popular and stable website platforms.
Digital Humanities
Learn to develop projects digitally in order to further deepen their meaning.
Savvy Content Creators
Learn to create content specifically for the web platform.
The entire e-portfolio platform is by default password protected and accessible only by the VMI community.
Digital Citizenship
Learn to participate within the cyber world in a responsible and thoughtful manner that epitimizes the VMI citizen-soldier ethos.
A platform to reflect on educational growth.
Cadet Control
Cadets decide how to structure their portfolios to best capture and represent their work in a hollistic manner.

Easy As 1…2…3…
Don’t know where to start? Follow this easy guide if you’ve never used the WordPress Platform.